Prolyte H30-D/V book corner

SKU: 28423-9 Category:


Book corners allow you to add creative, flexible angles to structures. Virtually any conceivable angle can be realized. Book corners, however, are not designed to carry loads, making it necessary to provide some other form of support on both sides of the corner. The Prolyte H30-D/V book corners are universal.

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Form: Book
Weight: 12 kg
Coupling system: CCS6

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TheProlyte H30-D/V book corner is perfect for creating creative, flexible corners in your construction. Virtually any conceivable angle can be realized with it!

  • Perfect for creating flexible corners
  • Easy to assemble
  • Universal
  • Not suitable for carrying heavy loads

The Prolyte H30-D/V book corner weighs 12 kg.


Easily create creative corners

With the Prolyte H30-D/V book corner, you easily couple your trusses together at any angle. Using the hinge connection, you easily determine the correct angle, then lock it in place. But note that book corners are not designed to carry heavy loads. Be sure to provide adequate support on both sides of the corner!


Rent Prolyte H30-D/V book corner?

Easily add the Prolyte H30-D/V book corner to your rental request. At Riggingbox, you will also rent a wide range of other book corners. As a result, you will always find the right type to suit your situation.

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