SKU: 28423-5-1-1-1 Category:


Prolyte’s CT tower is based on C52T mast sections, a choice that contributes to its great ease of use; the horizontal bracing makes the tower easy to climb. Using the CCS7 coupling system, virtually all S-Series and B-Series trusses can be connected to the tower. These include the B100R/V, the S52F, the S52V and the S100F trusses. Of course, these trusses can be supplied with the CT tower.


Your enquiry is completely non-binding. A specialist will contact you.


The Prolyte C52T B100/S52F/S52V ground support is suitable for virtually all B-series and S-series trusses.

Specialist Robert

Specialist Robert


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Riggingbox: uw rigging leverancier

Wij zijn de rigging leverancier voor alles wat u nodig heeft 
voor uw festival, concert, televisieopnames of evenement.

Onze materialen zijn al gebruikt bij Lowlands, Pinkpop, het Eurovisie 
Songfestival in Rotterdam, Vrienden van Amstel Live, Ik Hou van Holland en meer.

Wij keuren alle merken en soorten takels

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Totaaloplossing in verhuur riggingmateriaal

Zeer ervaren technisch personeel