Prolyte H30-V C003 corner

SKU: 28423-10 Category:


Prolyte’s H30V series is known as lightweight equipment that can nevertheless carry heavy loads. Thanks to the thick walls of both the trusses and the corner pieces, the equipment can withstand a good deal and even heavy loads are not a problem. The H30V corner pieces are available in several variations to accommodate any design. Riggingbox offers the H30V corner pieces in variants C003, C005, C012, C016, C017 and C020.


Alloy EN AW 6082 T6
Main tubes 48 x 3 mm
Braces 16 x 2 mm
Coupling system20.7 kg CCS6

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TheProlyte H30-V C003 corner is a 2-way truss corner that delivers excellent performance thanks to its high load capacity and light weight. The CCS6 coupling system also makes it easy to assemble.

  • Easy to assemble
  • High carrying capacity
  • Lightweight

The Prolyte H30-V C003 corner consists of main tubes of 48 x 3 mm and braces of 16 x 2 mm.


High carrying capacity

These truss corners are known for their light weight, yet are capable of carrying heavy loads. Thanks to the thick walls of both the trusses and corner pieces in this series, it can take a good deal of abuse and carrying heavy materials is no problem.


Prolyte H30-V C003 corner rental?

Add the Prolyte H30-V C003 corner easily add to your rental request. Riggingbox also offers a wide range of other truss corners. Not sure yet which one is best for your situation? If so, please feel free to contact with us. We are happy to advise you on the ideal materials for your event!

Specialist Robert

Specialist Robert


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